“The Matrix is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth” – [said guy who didn’t like machines]
New central vacuum power units have become aware. Not exactly Cyberdyne aware, but a motion sensor wakes the front lcd panel and led surround lights when someone is near the unit. It is very cool indeed. All of this electronic hardware in your central vacuum power unit does beg the question, does this help clean better or make the vacuum last longer?
In general the added bells and whistles do not help you clean any better or help your vacuum to actually last long, However the lights do provide a very cool motion activated night-light for your garage or basement – can’t beat that for $1100. Flash and glitz are often a way to hide what’s happening inside the vacuum. Pop the hood on this cylon and what you might find is more hot-mess than supermodel. A real party monster with an amazing light show – but seriously lacking in the work department.
We see how you roll Cyberdyne…